In Nuxt 3, How to Navigate to a Login Page if Any REST Endpoint Returns 401?
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In Nuxt 3, How to Navigate to a Login Page if Any REST Endpoint Returns 401?

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Hey there, Nuxt 3 enthusiasts! Are you tired of manually checking for 401 errors on every REST endpoint and redirecting users to the login page? Do you want to know the secret to handling unauthorized access like a pro? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for navigating to a login page when any REST endpoint returns a 401 error in Nuxt 3.

Why Do We Need This?

In a typical web application, when a user is not authenticated or their session has expired, the server returns a 401 Unauthorized response. This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized access to protected resources. However, in Nuxt 3, we need to handle this scenario elegantly to provide a seamless user experience.

Imagine a scenario where a user is logged in and accessing various pages of your application. Suddenly, their session expires, and they’re no longer authorized to access certain resources. Without proper handling, the user will encounter multiple 401 errors, which can be frustrating and lead to a poor user experience. By redirecting the user to the login page, we can ensure a smooth transition and prompt them to re-authenticate.

Theoretical Background

In Nuxt 3, we can leverage the power of middleware to achieve this goal. Middleware functions are executed between the request and response cycles, allowing us to manipulate the request and response objects. We’ll create a custom middleware that checks for 401 errors and redirects the user to the login page.

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s understand the HTTP response codes and their meanings:

HTTP Response Code Description
200 OK – The request was successful.
401 Unauthorized – The request was not authenticated or authorized.
403 Forbidden – The request was authenticated but not authorized.
404 Not Found – The requested resource was not found.


Now that we’ve covered the theoretical aspects, let’s create a custom middleware to handle 401 errors and redirect users to the login page.

Create a new file in the `middleware` directory of your Nuxt 3 project, e.g., `401-middleware.js`:

export default async function ({ $axios, redirect, store }) {
  try {
    await $axios.$get('/api/auth/me') // or any other authenticated endpoint
  } catch (error) {
    if (error.response && error.response.status === 401) {
      await store.dispatch('auth/logout') // optional, to clear auth state
      return redirect('/login')
    throw error

In this middleware, we’re making a GET request to an authenticated endpoint (`/api/auth/me`) to test if the user is authenticated. If the request returns a 401 error, we catch the error and redirect the user to the login page using the `redirect` function from Nuxt’s context.

We’re also dispatching a `logout` action to clear the authentication state, but this is optional and depends on your specific use case.

Registering the Middleware

To register the middleware, add the following code to your `nuxt.config.js` file:

export default {
  // ...
  middleware: [

This will register the middleware globally, so it will be executed on every incoming request.

Handling 401 Errors in API Routes

In addition to the middleware, we need to handle 401 errors in our API routes as well. We’ll create a global error handler using Nuxt’s built-in error handling mechanism.

Create a new file in the `plugins` directory, e.g., `api-error-handler.js`:

import Vue from 'vue'

Vue.config.errorHandler = (error, vm, info) => {
  if (error.response && error.response.status === 401) {
    // redirect to login page
    window.location.href = '/login'
  } else {
    // handle other errors or log them

In this plugin, we’re using Vue’s built-in error handler to catch errors globally. When a 401 error occurs, we redirect the user to the login page using the `window.location.href` property.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated a comprehensive approach to handling 401 errors in Nuxt 3. By creating a custom middleware and registering it globally, we can redirect users to the login page when any REST endpoint returns a 401 error.

Additionally, we’ve shown how to handle 401 errors in API routes using a global error handler. This ensures that our application provides a seamless user experience, even when the user’s session expires or they’re not authenticated.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your Nuxt 3 application is secure, scalable, and user-friendly.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve mastered handling 401 errors in Nuxt 3, take your skills to the next level by exploring:

  • Implementing authentication and authorization using Nuxt’s built-in auth module
  • Using middleware to handle other HTTP response codes, like 403 or 404
  • Creating custom error pages for different error scenarios
  • Optimizing your application’s performance using Nuxt’s caching and optimization features

Stay tuned for more Nuxt 3 tutorials and articles, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to navigate like a pro in Nuxt 3!

How can I navigate to a login page when a REST endpoint returns a 401 error in Nuxt 3?

You can achieve this by leveraging the `middleware` and `auth` modules in Nuxt 3. Create a middleware that checks for the 401 status code and redirect to the login page using the `navigate` function from `vue-router`. For example: `export default async function ({ $auth, $navigate }) { if ($auth.error === ‘Unauthorized’) { return $navigate(to: ‘/login’) } }`

Can I use a global middleware to catch all 401 errors in my Nuxt 3 app?

Yes, you can! You can create a global middleware by adding it to the `middleware` array in your `nuxt.config.js` file. This way, the middleware will be applied to all pages and API routes, allowing you to catch 401 errors globally. For example: `export default { middleware: [‘~/middleware/auth.js’] }`

How do I handle 401 errors in a specific API route in Nuxt 3?

You can create a middleware specifically for that API route and apply it only to that route. For example, if you have an API route `api/users`, you can create a middleware `api/users/middleware.js` and add it to the route using the `middleware` property. This way, the middleware will only be applied to that specific route.

Can I use Vuex to store the authentication state in Nuxt 3?

Yes, you can! Vuex is a great way to manage global state in your Nuxt 3 app, including authentication state. You can use Vuex to store the user’s authentication status and then use that state to redirect to the login page when a 401 error occurs.

What if I’m using an external authentication service, like Auth0 or Google Auth, in my Nuxt 3 app?

In that case, you can use the external authentication service’s SDK to handle authentication and authorization. You can then use the SDK’s built-in error handling mechanisms to catch 401 errors and redirect to the login page. For example, with Auth0, you can use the `handleAuthenticationError` function to catch errors and redirect to the login page.

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