Solving the Mysterious Error: “Backend DB : ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘_sa_instance_state'”
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Solving the Mysterious Error: “Backend DB : ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘_sa_instance_state'”

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Have you ever encountered the frustrating error “Backend DB : ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘_sa_instance_state'” while working with SQLAlchemy and Python? You’re not alone! This pesky error can send even the most seasoned developers down a rabbit hole of confusion and desperation. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this beast and emerge victorious!

What is the ‘_sa_instance_state’ attribute?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand what this elusive attribute is. In SQLAlchemy, the ‘_sa_instance_state’ attribute is an internal property of an object that indicates it’s a SQLAlchemy-mapped object. This attribute is used by SQLAlchemy to track the state of an object, including its relationships, primary key, and other crucial information.

The Culprit: Passing Strings Instead of Objects

Now that we know what ‘_sa_instance_state’ is, let’s examine the most common cause of this error. Are you guilty of passing strings instead of objects to your database? Perhaps you’re using a function like `session.query(BackendDB).filter_by(id=”some_id”)`, where “some_id” is a string? This is precisely where things go awry!

Why Passing Strings is a No-Go

When you pass a string to a SQLAlchemy function, it doesn’t magically become an object. Instead, SQLAlchemy treats it as a literal string, which, of course, has no ‘_sa_instance_state’ attribute. This results in the error we’re trying to solve.

Solution 1: Pass Objects, Not Strings

The simplest solution is to pass the actual object instead of its string representation. For example:

from yourapp.models import BackendDB

some_id = "some_id"
obj = session.query(BackendDB).filter_by(id=some_id).first()

In this example, we first retrieve the object using the `session.query` method and then pass the object to the `do_something_with_obj` function. Voilà! No more ‘_sa_instance_state’ errors!

Solution 2: Use SQLAlchemy’s `orm.aliased` Function

Sometimes, passing objects isn’t an option, and you need to work with strings. In such cases, SQLAlchemy’s `orm.aliased` function can be your savior.

What is `orm.aliased`?

`orm.aliased` is a SQLAlchemy function that creates an alias for a mapped class, allowing you to refer to it using a string. When you use `orm.aliased`, SQLAlchemy creates a temporary instance of the class, which has the ‘_sa_instance_state’ attribute we so desperately need.

Example Usage

from sqlalchemy import orm

aliased_obj = orm.aliased(BackendDB, name="aliased_backend_db")
result = session.query(aliased_obj).filter_by(id="some_id").first()

In this example, we create an alias for the `BackendDB` class using `orm.aliased`. We then use this alias to query the database and retrieve the object. Ta-da! The ‘_sa_instance_state’ error is gone!

Solution 3: Use SQLAlchemy’s `inspect` Function

Another approach is to use SQLAlchemy’s `inspect` function, which allows you to inspect the attributes of an object without having to load it from the database.

Example Usage

from sqlalchemy import inspect

some_id = "some_id"
obj = BackendDB() = some_id
inspector = inspect(obj)

In this example, we create a new `BackendDB` object and set its `id` attribute to the desired value. We then use the `inspect` function to create an inspector object, which provides access to the object’s attributes, including ‘_sa_instance_state’!


The error “Backend DB : ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘_sa_instance_state'” can be frustrating, but with these three solutions, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle it head-on. Remember, when working with SQLAlchemy, it’s essential to understand the difference between strings and objects. By avoiding the pitfalls of passing strings and instead using objects or clever workarounds, you’ll be able to overcome this error and write more robust, efficient code.

Solution Description
Pass Objects, Not Strings Pass the actual object instead of its string representation.
Use SQLAlchemy’s `orm.aliased` Function Create an alias for a mapped class, allowing you to refer to it using a string.
Use SQLAlchemy’s `inspect` Function Inspect the attributes of an object without having to load it from the database.

Now, go forth and conquer those SQLAlchemy errors like a boss!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the error “Backend DB : ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘_sa_instance_state'”? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue:

What does the error “Backend DB : ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘_sa_instance_state'” mean?

This error occurs when you’re trying to interact with a SQLAlchemy database object as if it were a string. The error message is indicating that the string object doesn’t have an attribute called ‘_sa_instance_state’, which is a special attribute used by SQLAlchemy to track the state of database objects.

Why am I getting this error when I’m trying to query my database?

This error often occurs when you’re trying to query your database using a string instead of a SQLAlchemy database object. Make sure you’re using the correct syntax and objects when querying your database. Check your code to ensure you’re not accidentally passing a string to a function that expects a database object.

How can I fix this error if I’m using a Flask application?

If you’re using a Flask application, you may need to ensure that your database connection is properly configured. Check that you’ve initialized your database connection correctly and that you’re using the correct database object when querying your database. Additionally, make sure you’re not accidentally passing a string to a function that expects a database object.

What if I’m using an ORM like SQLAlchemy?

If you’re using an ORM like SQLAlchemy, you may need to ensure that you’re correctly mapping your database tables to Python classes. Check that your classes are properly defined and that you’re using the correct syntax when querying your database. Additionally, make sure you’re not accidentally passing a string to a function that expects a database object.

Is there a way to avoid this error in the future?

Yes! To avoid this error in the future, make sure you’re correctly initializing and using your database objects. Take the time to understand the syntax and requirements of your database library or ORM, and always double-check your code to ensure you’re using the correct objects and syntax.