WordPress Posts Are Automatically Deleted (Even After Reinstalling a Fresh WordPress) – The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide
Image by Alejanda - hkhazo.biz.id

WordPress Posts Are Automatically Deleted (Even After Reinstalling a Fresh WordPress) – The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide

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Are you frustrated with WordPress posts that vanish into thin air, even after reinstalling a fresh WordPress instance? You’re not alone! This phenomenon has puzzled many a WordPress user, leaving them scratching their heads and wondering if they’ve gone mad. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to uncover the reasons behind this mystery and, more importantly, provide you with actionable solutions to prevent post deletion and restore your precious content.

The Mysterious Case of Vanishing Posts

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first understand the possible scenarios that might lead to automatic post deletion. You might be thinking, “But I didn’t touch anything! My posts just disappeared!” Well, it’s time to put on your detective hat and explore the following culprits:

  • Plugin conflicts: Rogue plugins can wreak havoc on your WordPress installation, causing posts to disappear. Yes, even if you’ve uninstalled the plugin, its remnants might still be lurking in the shadows.
  • Theme issues: Your theme might be the culprit, especially if it’s not compatible with the latest WordPress version or has a wonky coding issue.
  • Corrupted database: A database issue can lead to post deletion, especially if you’ve recently imported or exported content.
  • Server or hosting problems: Your hosting provider or server configuration might be causing the issue, perhaps due to a misconfigured cron job or file permissions.
  • Malware or hacking: Unfortunately, malware or hacking attempts can also result in post deletion. Stay vigilant, my friend!

Troubleshooting Steps to Save Your Sanity (and Posts)

Now that we’ve explored the possible causes, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Follow these troubleshooting steps to identify and rectify the issue:

Step 1: Enable WordPress Debug Mode

Let’s start by enabling WordPress debug mode to get more detailed error messages. Add the following code to your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);

This will log all errors to a file called debug.log in your wp-content directory.

Step 2: Deactivate All Plugins and Switch to a Default Theme

Let’s isolate the issue by deactivating all plugins and switching to a default WordPress theme (like Twenty Nineteen). This will help us determine if a plugin or theme is causing the problem.

Deactivate all plugins by going to the WordPress dashboard > Plugins > Deactivate. Then, switch to a default theme by going to Appearance > Themes > Twenty Nineteen (or any other default theme).

Step 3: Check the WordPress Error Log

Now, let’s examine the error log for clues. Open the debug.log file in your favorite text editor and search for any error messages related to post deletion.

Look for errors like:

[ Thu, 02 Apr 2023 14:30:00 GMT ] PHP Warning:  Unable to delete post 12345
[ Thu, 02 Apr 2023 14:35:00 GMT ] Error: Post 67890 does not exist

These errors might indicate a specific plugin or function causing the issue.

Step 4: Run a Database Repair

It’s possible that a database issue is causing the post deletion. Let’s run a database repair using the WordPress built-in tool:

Go to WordPress dashboard > Tools > Database Repair. Click the “Repair and Optimize Database” button to initiate the process.

Step 5: Check Server and Hosting Configuration

Reach out to your hosting provider or server administrator to investigate potential configuration issues. Ask them to:

  • Check cron job configurations
  • Verify file permissions and ownership
  • Review server logs for any errors or suspicious activity

Step 6: Scan for Malware and Hacking Attempts

Run a thorough scan of your WordPress installation using a security plugin like Wordfence or MalCare. These plugins can detect malware, trojans, and other suspicious activity.

Solution 1: Plugin-Specific Issues

If you’ve identified a plugin as the culprit, try the following:

Solution 1.1: Reinstall the Plugin

Deactivate and reinstall the plugin to start with a clean slate. This might resolve any plugin-specific issues.

Solution 1.2: Check Plugin Settings and Configuration

Review the plugin’s settings and configuration to ensure it’s not set to delete posts. Check for any automatic post deletion schedules or cron jobs.

Solution 2: Theme-Specific Issues

If you’ve determined that your theme is causing the issue, try:

Solution 2.1: Switch to a Different Theme

Switch to a different theme (either a default WordPress theme or a different third-party theme) to isolate the issue.

Solution 2.2: Inspect Theme Files and Functions

Examine your theme’s files and functions to identify any code that might be causing post deletion.

Solution 3: Database Repair and Optimization

If you’ve identified a database issue, try:

Solution 3.1: Run a Database Optimization Tool

Use a database optimization tool like WP Optimize or WP DB Manager to clean up and optimize your database.

Solution 3.2: Manually Repair the Database

If the automated tools don’t work, you can try manually repairing the database using SQL commands. Please be cautious and back up your database before attempting any manual repairs!

Preventing Post Deletion in the Future

Now that we’ve troubleshooted and solved the issue, let’s take steps to prevent post deletion in the future:

  1. Regularly Back Up Your WordPress Site: Use plugins like UpdraftPlus or VaultPress to schedule automatic backups of your site.
  2. Keep Your WordPress Installation and Plugins Up-to-Date: Regularly update WordPress, themes, and plugins to ensure you have the latest security patches and features.
  3. Monitor Your Site’s Performance and Errors: Use tools like WP_Debug and error logs to stay on top of any issues that might arise.
  4. Implement Robust Security Measures: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and limit login attempts to prevent hacking attempts.


WordPress posts being automatically deleted can be a frustrating and daunting issue. However, by following these troubleshooting steps and solutions, you should be able to identify and resolve the problem. Remember to stay vigilant, regularly back up your site, and keep your WordPress installation and plugins up-to-date to prevent post deletion in the future.

Has this guide helped you solve the mystery of vanishing posts? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

Troubleshooting Step Possible Cause Solution
Enable Debug Mode Plugin or theme issue Deactivate plugins, switch to default theme
Check Error Log Database issue or plugin conflict Rename plugin folder, restore database
Run Database Repair Database corruption Use WP_Debug, database optimization tools
Check Server and Hosting Server or hosting configuration issue Contact hosting provider, review server logs
Scan for Malware Malware or hacking attempt Use security plugins, restore clean backups

Remember, troubleshooting is an art, and patience is key. Don’t give up! With persistence and the right tools, you’ll be able to identify and resolve the issue, saving your precious WordPress posts from the abyss of deletion.

Frequently Asked Question

WordPress posts mysteriously disappearing? Don’t worry, we’ve got the scoop!

What’s causing my WordPress posts to vanish into thin air?

It’s likely due to a pesky plugin or theme conflict. Maybe you’ve got a rogue plugin that’s auto-deleting posts or a theme that’s not playing nice with your content. Try disabling all plugins and switching to a default theme to see if that resolves the issue!

I’ve tried reinstalling WordPress, but the posts are still gone! What’s going on?

Reinstalling WordPress won’t restore your posts because the post data is stored in your database, not in the WordPress files themselves. You’ll need to investigate your database to see if the post data is still intact. If not, you might need to restore from a backup or try a database recovery tool!

Could it be a malware or virus issue that’s causing my posts to disappear?

It’s possible, but less likely. Malware or viruses might be deleting your posts, but they’d usually cause more widespread damage to your site. If you suspect malware, run a thorough scan with a security plugin and check your site’s logs for any suspicious activity. But first, rule out the more common culprits like plugin and theme conflicts!

I’ve checked everything, and I still can’t find the cause. What’s my next step?

Time to call in the pros! If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting avenues, consider hiring a WordPress developer or a security expert to dig deeper and help you identify the root cause. They can also assist you in recovering your lost posts or setting up preventative measures to avoid future disappearances!

How can I prevent my WordPress posts from disappearing in the future?

Regular backups, regular backups, regular backups! Make sure you’re backing up your site frequently, and consider using a reliable backup plugin. Also, keep your plugins and themes up-to-date, and be cautious when installing new ones. Finally, monitor your site’s performance and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity!